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Showcase Cup Champions Decided!

The inaugural Showcase Cup finished in dramatic fashion and capped a competitive fall season as the Showcase Kingsmen won the North Division and the Showcase Cardinals won the South Division.

The Showcase Cup is a 9 or 10 game season (depending on division) that culminates in a tournament at the end of the season. What makes the Showcase Cup different is the scoring system as the score of the actual game play is only 1 of 7 statistical categories. The team that wins the most statistical categories is declared the winner of the game. What the Showcase Cup creates is a game environment that promotes team play and culture.

A perfect example of what can happen took place in the North Division Championship Game. The Showcase Pioneers actually beat the Showcase Kingsmen in the gameplay score of 51-50, but once the statistical categories were tallied up, there was a 3-3 tie, with the tie-breaker going in favor of the Kingsmen.

We couldn't be happier with how the first Showcase Cup turned out, with players and parents both embracing the unorthodox scoring system and emphasizing team play. We are thrilled to build on this fantastic foundation and take the Showcase Cup to new heights!

You can view the final standings and tournament bracket by clicking here.

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